Bancul cu rusul și turcii – în engleză

A russian guy walks into a bar with a t-shirt saying: "Turkish people do three thing wrong!". Out of the blue, three turks approach with the intent to teach him a lesson.

– You see, he says, this is the first thing you do wrong. You are hostile to anyone not sharing your oppinions.

They grab the Russian guy by his arms and take him outside. There, a large crowd of turks was waiting for him, impatiently.

– You see, he says, this is the second thing you do wrong. It takes a crowd of you to solve a simple issuse.

Hearing this, they take out their knives, ready to slice him into pieces.

– You see, he says, this is the third thing you do wrong. You bring knives to a gun fight!

From a dear colleague. Thanks.

2 Comentarii

  1. TNH 04 decembrie 2009 la 17:39 - Raspunde

    Unul dintre cele mai tari bancuri de anul acesta. Roagă-l să-ţi mai trimită. 😀

    • Robin Molnar 05 decembrie 2009 la 05:51 - Raspunde

      😆 Păi no, când mai aud câte unul bun o să îl pun pe blog. 😆

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