Angelic Love

My love is my shelter,

My love is so true,

My love is my angel,

My love who are you?

The pain I feel,

The lips I kiss,

The way I smile

And everything!

You are the sunset in my eyes,

You are the dream that has come true,

You are my half, my sweet, my one,

The one that lightens the path!

There is only light above me,

Beneath me only love,

And roses and tears just fade away,

For you give me a better way,

Angelic love.

2 Comentarii

  1. Anonim 09 noiembrie 2008 la 19:02 - Raspunde


  2. Robin Molnar 09 noiembrie 2008 la 21:34 - Raspunde

    :confused: Of course. :whistle:

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