Neighbour’s view on Ukraine

The era of procrastination, of half-measures,
of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays,
is coming to its close.
In its place we are entering a period of consequences.
(Sir Winston Churchill)

EU sanctions on Ukrainian officials are long due, but they do not – and will not – reflect any association between Russia and the criminal regime currently holding Ukraine as a hostage.

Unfortunately for Ukraine, the European Union and the European Commission is ran by bureaucrats. This means that no bold actions are expected, not significant in nature and, quite frankly, this leaves Ukraine in a rather poor position, as Russia will have absolutely no problem with a civil war in Ukraine.

This is history reloaded, as seen in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Moldova (and its Russian-sponsored breakaway Transnistria), the Caucasus and in so many more places that have been plagued with hundreds of millions of deaths, from Cambodia to nowadays Ukraine and any place in between.

The argument most widely used against true independence for Ukraine is that NATO or the EU have surrounded Russia and that it makes perfect sense for Russia to try and hold Ukraine under its influence, so as to have some buffer-zone between them and the EU or NATO. But this argument is false, because Russia is big – the biggest country in the world!- and can, if so it wishes, buffer using their own territory.

So, this is – and never was – a matter of Russia’s national security.

Let’s take, for instance, the EU. It has no army, just money. It’s like saying that Russia was surrounded by prosperity. Is that a bad thing? Would that be a bad thing?

NATO, on the other hand, has no money, but an army. Would Ukraine be allowed to join, if so it wished? I’m afraid not, because in geopolitics, it’s not what people want, it’s what big shots want, it always has.

So this needs saying:

Ukraine has no independence whatsoever, nor an European Union ally or an European Commission ally willing to support such independence, as well as no democracy – it is obvious that a so-called democratically elected political class cannot democratically be dismissed and neither the EU, not the EC and nor the US are willing to see this.

And these realities are hurting people. And, as some people already said, for their freedom, people are willing to die in Ukraine. Which means that democracy had already won in Ukraine.

But is the EU or the EC open to embracing this reality and the good people of Ukraine? As far of this writing, the signs sent by these slow-moving dinosaurs have been less than underwhelming.

Which also bears the question: if the EU and the EC don’t act for freedom in Ukraine, are they really acting for our freedom as EU/ European citizens? “Power to the people!” seems to work kind of slow these days, and democracy is to follow.

So, how long until our freedoms will be undermined by bureaucracy, slow mechanisms and misguided priorities? Because, as democracy is our European priority, Ukraine should automatically be our priority. And one does simply not see that from top-level representatives.

This is why I am afraid that Ukraine will become a new Korea, and Europe has nothing to say to Russia about it, and will continue to bash the puppet government or the puppet president of Ukraine, never confronting the man behind the trigger, the high-ranking NKVD officer in Moscow that is Vladimir Putin.

5 Comentarii

  1. sam 19 februarie 2014 la 18:48 - Raspunde

    all asserted above is rather adequate . as a citizen who shares common borders with the tzar’s puppet country, I legitimaly pose the natural question; who is next? as I recall, the great Russian expansion dream only halts at the shores of the black sea.
    when the political entities are clearly mapped, where shall my insignificant country reside? unfortunatelly, history has a clear point of view upon this topic. no-one seems to remember the genocide by hunger of ’32.
    to conclude, look at the big picture, unemployment among young people has reached critical proportions, the poles indicate the imminent rise of socialists and communists for the upcoming eu parliament elections , the debt circle is about to close on governmental and civil institutions creating general bankruptcy, all these leading to the concept that always ended all; WAR
    so, my dear blog writer, will we meet up on the intelectual baricades and exchange views on the world or in the trenches of blood and tears?

  2. Vlad 19 februarie 2014 la 19:25 - Raspunde

    Asta cu Rusia si buffer-ul defensiv pe propriul teritoriu e buna :))

    Oare alte natiuni ar bufferi-o pe propriul teritoriu de buna voie? Oare romanii si moldovenii ce parere au despre chestiunea asta? Ca o bufferim defensiv pe propriul teritoriu de ceva vreme… O fi bine? N-o fi bine? E mai bine sa o bufferim noi decat sa o buffereasca altii? Sau daca o bufferim noi, s-o buffereasca si ei, ce naiba! Si nu asa, cativa ani, intre ’39 si ’43… macar 160 de ani, ca mexicanii. Imi plac americanii, cum dau ei lectii si nu se uita in propria ogra… istorie.

    Miroase tot mai tare a razboi civil si secesiune in Ucraina.

    • Robin Molnar 19 februarie 2014 la 23:19 - Raspunde

      Faptul că unii sunt într-un fel nu constituie un argument pentru alții, ca să fie ei alt fel.

  3. Razvan 20 februarie 2014 la 06:42 - Raspunde

    Ceea ce se intimpla in Ucraina e oarecum normal, e un drum natural spre o democratie reala. Trebuie luat in considerare istoria si cultura Ucrainei, faptul ca jumatate din tara prefera Rusia decat UE, faptul ca UE si CE nu pot sa isi impuna un punct de vedere, decat daca Ucraina vrea acest lucru.
    Nu poti sa compari Ucraina cu Vietnam or Caucaz,fiindca e ca si cum ai compara o cirasa cu un mar. Sunt asemanari dar si foarte multe diferente.

    • Robin Molnar 20 februarie 2014 la 08:21 - Raspunde

      De ce crezi că jumătate din Ucraina preferă Rusia și nu UE? Toată lumea preferă prosperitatea, restul este propagandă.

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