Schemele nigeriene, acum și pe Skype

Cred că Microsoft face o treabă bună cu Skype, dacă au ajuns schemele (de țepuire) nigeriene să se propage și pe Skype, prin unealta de particularizare a textului, atunci când vrei să fii adăugat în lista cuiva și-i faci o cerere în acest sens:

[8/16/2015 4:32:39 PM] *** Adnan Helmy ar vrea să te adauge în Skype

Dear Molnar,

It’s my urgent need For a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I am Dr. Adnan Helmy and i work with Barclays Bank here in Dubai(U.A.E) I write to contact you over a very important business transaction which will be of our interest and benefit to our both families.

In 2007,one Mr. Weimin Molnar, whose surname is same as yours and has your country in his file as his place of origin, made a fixed deposit for 36 months, valued at $26,700,000.00 with my bank. I was his account officer before I rose to the position of Managing Director. The maturity date for this deposit contract was 27th of September 2010.Sadly Mr.Weimin was among the death victims in the September 2009 earthquake in Indonesia that left over 1,200 people dead while he was there on business trip.

Since the last quarter of 2010 until today, the management of my bank have been finding means to reach him so as ascertain if he will roll over the Deposit or have the contract sum withdrawn. When I discovered that this will happen, I have tried to think up a procedure to preserve this fund and use the proceeds for business.

Some directors here have been trying to find out from me the information about this account and the owner, but I have kept it closed because, I know that if they become aware that Mr Weimin is late, they will corner the funds for themselves. Therefore, am seeking your co-operation to present you as the one to benefit from his fund at his death since you have the same name, so that my bank head quarters will pay the funds to you. I have done enough inside bank arrangement and you only have to put in your details into the information network in the bank computers and reflect you as his next of kin.

If you concur with this proposal, I intend for you to retain 50% of the funds while 50% shall be for me. Kindly forward your response to me immediately through email below:

Dr. Adnan Helmy
Barclays Bank of Dubai
Please reply to my email: adnanhely*** ***

Nu lăsăm nicio oportunitate neexploatată, nu?

1 Commentariu

  1. Tudor 19 august 2015 la 00:42 - Raspunde

    De cand a fost preluat de catre Micro$$oft, Skype a luat-o rau de tot pe ulei si ultimele stiri legate de vreun data breach sau transmitere de scam/phishing prin el nu fac decat sa reduca increderea in acest serviciu. Sa recapitulam:

    1. Skype a avut la inceput functia de transfer peer-to-peer, printre singurele care beneficia de acest avantaj, enorm la inceputurile interenutului pe cablu si apoi fibra intrucat intre 2 abonati RDS puteai transfera la viteza maxima. Din nefericire in ultimii ani n-am vazut transfer intre mine si altcineva la o viteza mai mare de 1 MB/s, ceea ce dpmdv inseamna ca fisierele sunt acum redirectionate prin serverul lor.

    2. Acum o luna de zile in loc de acel mesaj a fost trimis un mail de phishing, documentat aici:

    3. Securitaea si confidentialitaea conversatiilor este aproape zero. In iunie 2013 cand Glenn Greenwald primea o copie a arhivei documentelor de la NSA i-a comunicat partenerului sau prin Skype ca ar dori sa-i trimita o parte din arhiva si lui pentru a avea mai multe copii pazite mai bine. Nu si-au putut sincroniza orarele iar dupa ce David Miranda a adormit, o echipa de hoti i-au furat laptopul din casa. Daca ati vazut documentarul Citizenfour ati observat cati caini aveau ei in ograda si atacatorii au putut trece de toti asa ca nu putem vorbi de un grup de hoti amatori, iar tinta a fost laptopul si numai laptopul.

    Din nefericire alternativa mai sigura prin Pidjin, Jabber si OTR nu arata deloc prietenos pentru muritorul de rand si fara o adoptie crescuta a acestor unelte, tot pe Skype va ramane multa lume:

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